mE tO yOuu bEarr`
Friday, February 29, 2008
8:55 pm

Singapore Youth Olympics Games Bid 2008


Our runners waited patiently at our allocated checkpoint to take over the relay from Cedar Girls at Kallang Riverside Park.

Sports & Wellness Dept
Siva, me, Geok, Su Rin

(Always united as ONE)

Geok & Su Rin

Siva - pro cam man

Our enthusiastic YCKSS Runners

Matthew, Justin, Ivan, Jia Yu, Ismail, Yuan Jie

Fiona, Valerie, Sally & Serene

Here came Cedar Girls

Group picture with Cedar Girls, well done girls!

Our runners set off with a purpose -

to complete the route!

Here they go...all the way!

At Bugis Junction

Our Runners paraded

Our proud runners took a group photo

Our student supporters made up of student leaders

Sports & Wellness department and our student leaders supporters

Our Ministers Dr Vivien, Mr Teo Ser Luck and
Olympian Mr Tan Howe Liang

Hema :"Unbelievable, this is great!!!"
(when the result was announced)

Fiona and Justin looked on as Valerie and Serene
went hysterical! The huge celebration was on!

Singapore won the bid! Victory!!! Call for celebration!

Still jumping for joy even after the celebration!

Singapore's night

Serene & me :D

Christina & me

It was a night of jubilation for all Singaporeans !

We won the bid!

bOrnHenGIcon 6 metoyOu at
8:55 pm

~~~neVer LiMit e cHallenGes BUT cHallenGe e LiMits ~~~

bOrN tO be LuCky mAh, weLL jUst hAve tO cOunt & ApPrEciAte my blessiNgs aS tHe dAys gO by =]

LoVe AbUnDanCe
[yEllow + ReD + maRoOn + bLaCk + LiGht PuRplE + liMe gReEn cOlouR+sKY bLUe & fUChSia stUffs]
[mE tO yoU]
[shOppInG] [oRh-oRh]

-PeOpLe wHo bItcH ArD + aRroGant + aLL TaLks & dO nOtHInG-

hEaRt aChes fOr......
|nEw LEaThEr hAnDbaG|
|mOre $$$| |hOlidAes|
|fRiENds wHo R aLwAys tHere foR Me| |sPOrts AppaReLS|
|lovE & hApPiNesS|

WOnDerfUl+MarVeLLouS pPLe
--TopaTo aKa fra--
--cHrIsTinA GoH--

mUa liNkiEs``
