mE tO yOuu bEarr`
Monday, July 07, 2008
10:34 pm

Key personnel and some teachers from Lesson Study went to Hong Kong for school visits during March holiday 2008.
At the Hong Kong Airport where i found the count down clock for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Hong Kong Sceneries

Night comes alive! We hunted for all the good food we could : )

'Yu Dan' (Fishballs dipped in sauce, as seen in movie)

Waffles, crispy and nice!

The 2008 Olympics Mascots
Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni

(Bei Bei, Jing Jing, Huan Huan, Ying, Ying, Ni Ni)

Sport Act in a primary school

I simple loved the colour combination!

Hunted for more wonderful food.

Here we had plain steamed milk, really smooth and good for complexion

(as told)!

Steamed milk with eggs

My all time favourite dessert (as shown below)- mango with mini glutinous balls. There is mango with pomelo too. Really yummy!

Must have if you are there :D

Interesting trade in Hong Kong which we do not see in Singapore at all.

Funny thing was the customers change leg at the same time :)

Another Olympic count down clock at their MTR

bOrnHenGIcon 6 metoyOu at
10:34 pm

~~~neVer LiMit e cHallenGes BUT cHallenGe e LiMits ~~~

bOrN tO be LuCky mAh, weLL jUst hAve tO cOunt & ApPrEciAte my blessiNgs aS tHe dAys gO by =]

LoVe AbUnDanCe
[yEllow + ReD + maRoOn + bLaCk + LiGht PuRplE + liMe gReEn cOlouR+sKY bLUe & fUChSia stUffs]
[mE tO yoU]
[shOppInG] [oRh-oRh]

-PeOpLe wHo bItcH ArD + aRroGant + aLL TaLks & dO nOtHInG-

hEaRt aChes fOr......
|nEw LEaThEr hAnDbaG|
|mOre $$$| |hOlidAes|
|fRiENds wHo R aLwAys tHere foR Me| |sPOrts AppaReLS|
|lovE & hApPiNesS|

WOnDerfUl+MarVeLLouS pPLe
--TopaTo aKa fra--
--cHrIsTinA GoH--

mUa liNkiEs``
