mE tO yOuu bEarr`
Monday, July 07, 2008
8:20 pm

Date : 23rd to 25th May

Venue : Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang

Hotel : MS Garden

Meeting place : CCAB at 9pm

Ladies representing Singapore MOE team in Netball

(Back : Liza, Su Rin, Agnes, Daisy, Lu Zhi)

(Front : Irene, Iryianna, Yu Lan, Clare, Fen)

Took night bus to Kuantan

(about 8 hours journey...poor butt and back...)

Arrived at Kuantan at about 5+ am

All alighted the bus and had breakfast (pratas)

Then off we went to visit a craft shop planned for us before we checked in to our hotel rooms

The Malaysians were very hospitable. We were given welcoming lunch. See the happy and satisfied faces :D

Liza and me @ the beautiful kuantan beach :D

Both the Netball and Volleyball Teams took a group photo.

Getting ready for Malaysians welcoming dinner on first nite.

At the netball playing venue

Once again, we took a team picture before the farewell dinner hosted by the Malaysians


At our table, we were seated with the Malaysia soccer players.

We won our games so do other MOE teams. MESRC Singapore was OVERALL CHAMPIONS. See ya (MESCA) next year in Singapore!

Our medals!
It was a memorable and joyful journey for all! Laughters all the time!

bOrnHenGIcon 6 metoyOu at
8:20 pm

~~~neVer LiMit e cHallenGes BUT cHallenGe e LiMits ~~~

bOrN tO be LuCky mAh, weLL jUst hAve tO cOunt & ApPrEciAte my blessiNgs aS tHe dAys gO by =]

LoVe AbUnDanCe
[yEllow + ReD + maRoOn + bLaCk + LiGht PuRplE + liMe gReEn cOlouR+sKY bLUe & fUChSia stUffs]
[mE tO yoU]
[shOppInG] [oRh-oRh]

-PeOpLe wHo bItcH ArD + aRroGant + aLL TaLks & dO nOtHInG-

hEaRt aChes fOr......
|nEw LEaThEr hAnDbaG|
|mOre $$$| |hOlidAes|
|fRiENds wHo R aLwAys tHere foR Me| |sPOrts AppaReLS|
|lovE & hApPiNesS|

WOnDerfUl+MarVeLLouS pPLe
--TopaTo aKa fra--
--cHrIsTinA GoH--

mUa liNkiEs``
