mE tO yOuu bEarr`
Sunday, October 05, 2008
10:24 pm

Inter - Ministry Volleyball 04 10 2008

The competition took place at CCAB. The first game started at 10am and ended near 6pm. Double knock out system. MOE sent in 3 ladies' teams.

MOE Ladies Teams - MOE Team 1, 2, 3

MOE Ladies Team 2 and 3
Woke up at 7.30am and went for breakfast with pb at ang mo kio ave 10 blk 409 market. Had a bowl of yummy yong tau foo soup and was very satisfied :P Arrived at CCAB about 9.15am. Got change and got ready for warm up.
Hmmm, left shoulder had a nudging pain...i strained it 2 weeks ago when playing volleyball...guess had not done proper warm up...put 1 'ko yor' patch on the shoulder praying that the pain will go away...but nope...shoulder became tighter...finally had to ask Aggie to tape it up for me which i felt better.

Our TALL giants of the team (Aggie, Val & Liza)

the two HENGs in the team (Jessie Heng & Irene Heng)

Daze, Jessie and Marie (having fun during lunch time, look at marie :P) Having our lunch between games break - Duck rice from Adams.
1221 (mirror image)

2112 (mirror image)

Having fun with numbers 1 21 12

More numbers!

Discussing and planning our positions and strategies

Our team MOE Team 2 had achieved a 2nd runner up, there was an improvement this year.

MOE Team 2 players:
1. Aggie (Agnes)
2. Marie
3. Liza
4. Daze (Daisy)
5. Poh Bee (pb)
6. Jessie Heng
7. Hengie (Irene)
8. Valerie
9. Jing Jing
10. Ai jiao
11. Jing Jing
12. Irene Lim (serving national service - having baby)

After the award ceremony, we went for dinner at The Chinese Feast - Chong Qing Hot Pot @ Suntec, 3 Temasek Boulevard #B1 - 061 Suntec City Mall. It had been my craving to eat there for weeks. Simply loved the thinly sliced belly pork, really tasty! Savouring every bit...yummy. The 'ma la' spicy ala carte buffet steamboat, my favourite :D The 'ba bao cha' 8 treasure tea was rejuvating to a long day i had. You've got to try the cool 'ba bao cha', heavenly :B Had a fantastic meal with aggie, marie, liza, daisy and Jessie. Arrived home at about 10.30pm.

Knees were stiff, left shoulder strained, fingers were aching from setting up the balls in the games I could hardly bent weekend will be spent on recovering myself for monday's corporate netball league. More 'ko yor' then.

bOrnHenGIcon 6 metoyOu at
10:24 pm

~~~neVer LiMit e cHallenGes BUT cHallenGe e LiMits ~~~

bOrN tO be LuCky mAh, weLL jUst hAve tO cOunt & ApPrEciAte my blessiNgs aS tHe dAys gO by =]

LoVe AbUnDanCe
[yEllow + ReD + maRoOn + bLaCk + LiGht PuRplE + liMe gReEn cOlouR+sKY bLUe & fUChSia stUffs]
[mE tO yoU]
[shOppInG] [oRh-oRh]

-PeOpLe wHo bItcH ArD + aRroGant + aLL TaLks & dO nOtHInG-

hEaRt aChes fOr......
|nEw LEaThEr hAnDbaG|
|mOre $$$| |hOlidAes|
|fRiENds wHo R aLwAys tHere foR Me| |sPOrts AppaReLS|
|lovE & hApPiNesS|

WOnDerfUl+MarVeLLouS pPLe
--TopaTo aKa fra--
--cHrIsTinA GoH--

mUa liNkiEs``
